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ECC Therapy



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ECC Therapy(圖1)-速報App

Exceptional Children's Center is committed to providing the most personalized, integrative, and skilled OT, PT & Speech Therapy services available. Exceptional Children's Center is a professionally designed, well-equipped therapy facility.

ECC Therapy(圖2)-速報App

Our treatment areas include:

ECC Therapy(圖3)-速報App

Fine motor areas that provide a quiet and distraction-free environment with great variation of therapy supplies making it ideal for training in fine motor skills, self-care skills, printing/writing skills, and visual perceptual training activities

ECC Therapy(圖4)-速報App

Numerous large gym areas are equipped with a variety of suspension equipment, a ball pit, a large scooter board area and numerous crash pads, providing a safe environment and exciting experiences for challenging and developing motor skills

ECC Therapy(圖5)-速報App

Our clinic environment was designed to be comfortable and stress-free, yet filled with excitement, inspiration and fun supporting positive emotions and encouraging learning!
